Every Christmas it seems that I get exposed to a new Christmas song that causes me to reflect on Christmas. It’s not the song is new; it is just new to me. This Christmas season which began for me October 1, which you all know, introduced me to a classic Johnny Cash Christmas song I had never heard. Admittedly, when you think of Christmas crooners, Johnny Cash is not the first to come to mind. The song is titled Christmas As We Knew It.

I am going to attempt to link it for you to listen to it.

I have played the song countless times this Christmas season, and each time I play it Christmas memories flood my mind. As I hear the song, I can see my grandparents, Elmer and Viola, on mother’s side who were both products of the Great Depression. I can still see that little silver Christmas tree and that one special red reindeer ornament that hung its place Christmas after Christmas from the time I could remember until about 1985. As I hear the song, I reflect on Christmases Lori and I had with our parents, and I tell you those memories get more and more precious with each passing year that I am removed from their stepping into eternity to be with their Savior. I remember my Little Sissy getting a hot rod Lincoln one year, and I remember her doll house that I would us to stage cowboy and Indian fights with those little plastic Indians, cowboys, and soldiers. I remember my train set, Evel Knievel stunt cycle, and pinball machine. Christmas was so much different. I actually got excited each Christmas when I received my six pack of Reese’s refrigerated to perfection, man, what a treat, and my Little Sissy was not left out as she got her pack of little white donuts, but one of the great memories that floods my mind when I hear that song is about a gift I did not receive, but by not receiving it, I discovered how much my daddy loved me. I wanted a Nerf football so bad one year that I could taste it. Oh, for the simpler days! Evidently, there were none to be found because if there had been one anywhere, my daddy would have gotten it. What makes that memory special, you may ask, since I did not get what I want? What makes it special is the letter my daddy wrote to a 9-year-old boy explaining why I did not get what I wanted. What a memory! There have been many Christmases since. My family has grown. First, Marty became a part of the family as my dad always loved strays. Just kidding Marty. You know you are my brother, a rather large eared one but nonetheless you are my brother and then Lori had pity on Mark. I had pity on Hope, and we brought them into the family. Children, nephews, nieces, and grandchildren have come along, and I have enjoyed seeing them develop Christmas memories through the years. I hope one of these days in the future they reflect on Christmas As I knew It by Johnny Cash and reflect upon our Christmases together with the same fondness that I reflect on Christmas as I knew it.

As I listen to the song and think about the letter regarding my Nerf football, I cannot help but reflect on God the Father. The perfect Gift to mankind was given that first Christmas in Bethlehem. The Gift that restored the relationship between man and God. How must God feel when man does not receive that special Gift? God is not willing that any perish, and that is why Jesus came into this world. Jesus came to bring eternal life. What about you this Christmas? Have you accepted Jesus Christ as your Savior? The Gift is waiting on you to receive it and open it, but a gift unopened is a gift rejected. When you accept Christ, Christmas becomes so much more special. Even more special than Christmas as I knew it. One last thing about my parents. Praise God Almighty that my parents introduced my Little Sissy and me to the real meaning of Christmas because from 1976 forward our Christmas celebrations were based on the birth of Christ as it should be.

AMEN!!!! If the song does not play because of my computer illiteracy, search for it on YouTube and see what memories come to your mind. I wish everyone a very Merry Christmas.




We Three Kings