What is truth?
Good afternoon on October 1, 2021!!!!
There is much excitement in the air as teachers, school employees, and students are eagerly anticipating 3:00 and the beginning of fall break. I wish them well especially my former colleagues at Halls High School and my friends at Holice Powell Elementary, and I hope they have a great break.
I was driving the other day, and I heard this song by Johnny Cash, the great American poet and philosopher, called What is truth?, and it got me to thinking. Johnny Cash released this wonderful song in 1971, and there were a lot things happening in the United States and the world at that time. Vietnam was still front and center, politics were in disarray, and traditional values were being attacked. The chaos gave birth to this wonderful song, but the question of what truth is has baffled the minds of men for centuries, but I can tell you exactly what truth is, and where to find it.
Truth begins with the absolute certainty that there is a sovereign God in Heaven. There is a God, and the beginning of understanding all that is true must begin with the acceptance that there is a God, and this God of Heaven created everything. The Bible says that in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Truth begins there. If you cannot accept that, the sum total of all your knowledge is based upon a lie. If you deny what the first verse in the Bible says, you will never know truth in any aspect of your life.
Truth is defined by how much God the Creator loved His crowning achievement which was humanity. God created man in HIs image which means He gave us a soul that will live forever, but man could not live to the standards of God and sinned by doing something God had told them not to do, but even in disobedience, humanity could never lessen the love God has and had for it, but the relationship prior to humanity’s disobedience would now be different, but truth dictates that God had to restore that relationship, and the only way that relationship could be restored would be by God because humanity could never restore it.
Truth becomes a question of how God would restore the relationship between a sinful, disobedient humanity and a holy, righteous God. The truth is that there was only one way God could repair the relationship, and that way was found in His Son, Jesus Christ.
The truth is that Jesus Christ, the Son of God, is the way, the truth, and the life, and if you want to have a relationship with God and get to Heaven, you must believe the truth which is that Jesus is the only way you can get there. That’s the truth, and it was revealed through Jesus Christ which shows us, as the Bible says, just how much God loved His crowning achievement that He would send His Son to die on a Cross to restore that severed relationship with His creation.
The truth is that there is no other way to Heaven except through Jesus Christ, and to deny that means that you have fallen for the lie. All the truth in the universe begins with an absolute knowledge of God as the beginner of all things and ends with an absolute knowledge that Jesus Christ by His birth, life, death, and resurrection finished all things, and ladies and gentlemen, that is what truth is.