You guys for the most part know that I am a pretty humble guy. Now admittedly, I will let you know in a minute how smart I am. I will let you know that I think I can pretty much do anything, like flying a plane. At one time, I even believed I could walk on air. When we were building our house, a guy pulled up uninvited if you know what I mean. I decided to make a run for it, so out the back door I went. There was one major problem. We didn’t have back doorsteps yet. I discovered quickly that I could not walk on air and broke my wrist in two places and my elbow.
But believe it or not, there is something I will admit that I cannot do that I would love to be able to do. I can sense the shock sweeping the fabric of your souls as you read. I would love to be able to sing, BUT I CANNOT SING A LICK. I cannot carry a tune in a bucket. I sing so bad that the recording artists ask me not to even lip sync their music. With that clearly in mind, I would like to discuss in my blog today a song, and it is an old classic gospel song that each of you have heard. As a matter of fact, I have a playlist on my phone of old gospel hymns, and this song is definitely included.
We have all heard it:
O they tell me of a home far beyond the skies,
O they tell me of a home far away;
O they tell me of a home where no storm clouds rise,
I. Can you imagine a home where no storm clouds rise?
We have many storm clouds rising today. Drug addiction is running rampant. We have babies being born addicted to controlled substance. Substance abuse destroys. It is one of the darkest clouds rising.
There are dark clouds rising that are attacking our traditional values regarding marriage. Men are marrying men, women are marrying women, and who knows what men and women will be marrying next. DON’T BE SURPRISED.
The abortion cloud hovers over our nation like a ticking time bomb. Over 30 million babies have been aborted since 1973. That is a dark, dark, dark cloud. Hopefully if you are a Christian, these issues are very concerning. No truly born-again Christian would ever be in favor of these things, but are we really concerned about them?
Some of you will be upset, but I believe most Christians trust these things to be taken care of “by someone else.” By someone elected to office. I want you to know as Christians we have access to the Creator of the Universe. The Bible says that if we have faith the size of a mustard seed that we could move mountains. Have any of you seen mountains moved lately? It doesn’t take much faith to accomplish magnificent things. Do we not even have that much faith? Dear friend, no politician can help us with these dark clouds, but God Almighty can.
O they tell me of a home far beyond the skies,
O they tell me of a home far away;
O they tell me of a home where no storm clouds rise, O they tell me of an uncloudy day
II. O they tell me of a home where my friends have gone,
Jesus told the thief on the Cross that he would be with Jesus that day in Paradise. Jesus said that He was going to prepare a place for us in His Father’s house. How does that make you feel?
Jesus and the Father have a place prepared for us. Think about the relationships in Heaven for a minute. Those relationships will be perfect. Did you have a joyous relationship with your mom and dad? It will be better in the future. You will be bonded with them through the perfection that is Jesus Christ. Do you cherish your life with your husband and wife? It will be better if you are saved because that relationship will become perfect in eternity.
You will be bonded with your saved loved ones through the perfection that is Jesus Christ.
III. And His smile drives their sorrows all away; And they tell me that no tears ever come again
The Bible says that when we get to Heaven, the former things are passed away including tears, pain, death, and sorrow. Why will our tears be wiped away? Why
will there be no more death? Why will there be no sorrow? Why will there be no more crying? Why will there be no more pain?
The answer is because all the former things are passed away!!!!!!! The former things is referring to the tears, death, sorrow, crying, and pain caused by sin. Sin will be no more. Death, pain, sorrow, and crying were and are brought into this world by sin. The former things will not be in the land of the unclouded day.
If you are saved by the Grace of God, this is wonderful news. If you have not accepted Christ as your Savior, you are still being controlled and hampered by the former things. You must come to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.
Romans 10:9
9 that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.
Have you accepted Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior? If you have, look at what at the words below as they describe your future.
O the land of cloudless day,
O the land of an unclouded sky,
O they tell me of a home where no storm clouds rise,
O they tell me of an uncloudy day.
But dear friend, if you have not accepted the Lordship of Christ in your life, there will be plenty of dark clouds on your horizon, but Jesus is calling you today. If you have any questions regarding salvation, please ask them in the comment section, or email those questions to
We invite you to join us at Beech Grove Baptist Church in the Bruceville community. We would love to have you. Sunday School begins at 10, and worship service begins at 10 : 45. Sunday night service begins at 6, and Wednesday night service begins at 7. We also have men’s and women’s study groups that meet every other Tuesday night at 6 with our next scheduled meeting being May 3.